Not able to install packages in Pycharm

I have pycharm community edition(latest stable build) installed on my Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, I am not able to install packages via pycharm, was able to install them before. I can install the packages v...




I have got a solution, i reffered to

Here they have tried to add as a repository.

To add it as a repository,

1.) Go to Settings 2.) Project interpreter 3.) Click the + sign on top right edge 4.) Go to manage repositories, 5.) Press the + Sign, then add 6.) Press Ok

Now all the packages should load.

Thanks Hami Torun & Simon, I was able to solve it by luck.



repository에 저 링크 입력해주면 됨!


pip버전 문제인줄 알았는데.. 

근데 저 링크는 뭐지

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