Chakra System
- seven chakras(major energy center) in the human body
- Chakra means "wheel" in Sanskrit word
- Chakra is similar to wheels in that they are spinning vortexes of energy
- Each chakra is recognized as a focal point relating to spiritual, physical and emotional energies
- each has corresponding to one of the seven colors of the rainbow spectrum
- main purpose : create wholeness within urself
- bring various aspects of ur consciousness from the physical to the spiritual
- ultimately, begin to recognize that the various aspets of your being all work together
- and each aspect is as much a part of the whole as the others
- medidtation -> learning how to acknowledge, integate, and accept all levels of ur being
8 steps to practice
1. sit in a confortable position with your spine(척추) straight, but not ridged(?)
focus on each part of ur body starting with ur feet and working up. As you do this, have that part of the body relax and let the stress melt away
2. focus on the breath. do not foce it, but let the breathing become steady and deep. visualize the oxygen coming into ur lungs and passing into the bloodstream. visuaize it nourishing all the muscles, organs and cells of ur body and then see it removing the toxins from ur body which u expel(쫓다) with each breath
3. see how all the parts work together in complete harmony. see how the breath sustains all these pars and the body as a whole. become aware of how the breath is the life giving force of the entire organism call ur body
4. you should imagine a life giving energy that u r breathing in along with(~을 따라) the air. see this energy as a yellowish(노르스름한) orange color. see this energy encompass(포함하다) your entire body and infuse(불어넣다) your aura. as this energy infuses ur aura, imagine the aura growing stronger, brighter and being charged with this incredible energy. do this step gradually, let the aura grwo brighter little by little and keep energy flowing in with each breath.
5. energize each individual chakra. start with the root chakra in the lower back. imagine a clockwise swirl of energy and the energy you breath in feeds this swirl and makes it strong and brighter. we want to next imagine another source of energy that is coming up from the earth. this is the same life giving energy and it adds to the swirling energy at the root chakra.
6. move up the sacral(천골) chakra. then one by one the solar plex chakra, heart chakra, throat chakra, head chakra and finally the crown chakra, infusing each with the life fiving energy. take your time with this and do not worry about spending more time on one chakra if you need to. it is strongly advised to always work form the bottom, going up and not skip around. each chakra will influence the other chakras and energizing a higher chakra before a lower chakra could have an adverse effect.(부작용, 역효과)
7. visualize all the chakras at once being feed by this energy coming in from the breath and up from the earth. remember to see the chakras and ur aura become brighter, clearer and super charged from this life giving energy
8. we can open our eyes and relax a couple minutes with our eyes open. pay attention to ur body and how incredible and energized u now feel. try to practice 15-30 min each sitting.
출처 :
'me myself and i > meditation' 카테고리의 다른 글
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